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Monday, July 13, 2015

Beginnings and Endings

I woke up today like most other days.  Groggy.  I silently took roll call of my body parts to see if they were all in sync with the idea of getting up…and it was unanimous… all my parts were on board. Yea!  It’s the little things.   After a few bodily stretches, I lifted off the bed, and sought out gym shorts and t-shirt, the official retirement dress code of this guy.

I went through a few of the rooms of the house, opening “it’s eyes” to another day, as the curtains and blinds gave way to the morning light.  Made my way to my Kashi stash and prepared a bowl to wake my innards up.  And while waiting for the appropriate time to let my 2% soften the flakes of goodness, I latched on to my laptop to check Greg’s status on the Tour Divide (see June postings).  I was relieved to see that he did not pedal through the night.

Some 1829 miles to the east of Greg, in Charlotte, NC, my niece, Grace, has already woken (if she slept at all) to a special day, and was in the first moments, of her first professional career day, after graduating from Clemson, a mere 2 months earlier in May.  I was so excited to find all this out from her momma, in an email this morning.  I partake in my family’s lives, even though I’m not there (hope that doesn’t creep anyone out), through emails, texts, sporadic in person contact, and sometimes a vivid imagination.

When I checked Trackleaders.com for Greg’s position this morning, he had a mere 68 miles left before reaching Antelope Wells, NM, the finish line for The Tour Divide, a mere 2,700 miles from the starting line in Banff, Alberta, Canada.  Like many of Greg’s athletic supporters (HaHa), I get online to check his progress multiple times a day.  I partook in his adventure by dropping him off in Banff and then proceeded to will him from waypoint to waypoint with a vivid imagination.  I choose to believe the collective willing of his well-wishers pushed him along at times…knowingly or unknowingly to him at the time.

As Grace starts up her learning curve these first few days, probably not that different than some of the mountain passes Greg ascended along the continental divide over the last 30 days, she may be reliving her last hoorah with her sister last month in Europe, or moving into her dorm room her first year at Clemson, or driving to high school the first time after getting her license in search of her parking spot.  Actually, I’ll bet she is so focused on all that is new to her today, that the other stuff would be lucky to appear in a dream, when she falls dead asleep tonight at 8, with a reality show on and a pizza crust hanging from her lip!

The day that Grace begins one adventure, Greg ends another.  As Grace crosses her starting line, her well-wishers will collectively support her from their vantage point and push her along when the going gets tough and celebrate her summiting those tough peaks along the way.  She is starting a new collection of adult life memories to add to her rich and full body of work she has created so far.  Whereas, Greg will be processing his month of memories on the trail for some time to come.  Probably grateful to be sitting on something wider than a banana for the ride back to Dillon, taking a little more time to feel an embrace with Susi, and better connection between man and dog, when Bailey looks into her daddy’s eyes looking for a good belly rub.  So proud of Grace and Greg, I celebrate your beginnings and endings.

What is ending and beginning for you?  Whatever they might be, welcome your beginnings and hug your endings.  Don’t fight’em, join’em.

One more plug for Greg’s cause to raise money to connect
bicycles with vets dealing with PTSD…

His goal is one dollar for every Tour Divide mile he rode.
He is close, but you can get him closer!