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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Where does the time go?

We landed in Colorado on Monday and its now Sunday evening.  Where did the time go?  For Greg, he continues riding each day and going over the minimal amount of items you can pack on a mountain bike, making sure he hasn’t forgotten anything...or has he?  For Beth and me...a picture is worth…well…you be the judge.

Greg's mode of transportation for a mere 2700+ miles.  Everything he'll need
to survive on two wheels.

While Greg contemplates survival, I contemplate a 9 iron or pitching wedge.
While hanging out in the condo, we are
entertained by Bailey the wonder dog!
This is the Wandering Mad Man.  Supported by his computer, electronic keyboard, and a
good voice, this modern day minstrel will let you sign his traveling stage for a
small donation to keep him on the road.
Some of those braving the wind and cool temperature to set up shop and those
of us coming to leave our money in support of their efforts.
Beth visiting with a woman that makes her own soaps and lotions.
A B.L.T.  created from items from the Farmer's Market.
Beth FaceTiming with Drew, who is in Ecuador.
A day trip to Grand Lake started with nourishment from Grand Pizza.
The obligatory photo of Aspen.
On Trail Ridge Road, going to the top of Rocky Mountain National Park.
The monster that makes it possible to travel up Trail Ridge road
after a snowy winter.
15' of snow melting slowly at the top!
Trail Ridge Road

A hard drive deserves a little reward.
A little espresso bark and mint chocolate chip gives us cause for a hike.
And hike we do.  On the East Inlet Trail,
in search of...
...that's right...a little fishin' time...
...and a little reading time.
Adam's Falls
We only had to look as far as the side of the road for the wildlife.

We also saw two fox...foxes...fox-i...(whatever) 2 fox and of course, Bailey back at the condo.

My Zen from the road:  On the nicer evenings, weather permitting, there is just something about a walk along the lake with a little something to keep you warm!  What a way to end the day.

Lake Dillon
A little sumpin' to keep you warm on a chilly beach walk.

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